Events of Interest to the Sampling Group

STSIP Planning Three Special Issues:


Call for Papers

1. "Modulation Spaces and Time-Frequency Analysis"


Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing (STSIP) is planning a special issue on "Modulation Spaces and Time-Frequency Analysis". Modulation spaces have been introduced between 1980 and 1983 by Hans G. Feichtinger and have become an important class of function spaces in time-frequency analysis. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of modulation spaces, the special issue will publish articles that feature current research on modulation spaces and their applications. The objective is to highlight the role of modulation spaces in time-frequency analysis, the theory of Gabor frames and pseudodifferential operators.


Topics include, but are not limited to: modulation spaces and their properties, modulation spaces and their applications in time-frequency analysis, Gabor frames, pseudodifferential operators, uncertainty principles, wireless communication, numerical analysis, non-linear approximation. New applications are particularly welcome.


Guest Editors: Karlheinz Gröchenig, GSF Research Center, Munich, Germany, and Chris Heil, Georgia Institute of Technology.



Submission: Papers can be submitted in TEX, LATEX, or as postscript or pdf-files. Instructions to authors and templates are available for download on the journal's homepage.


Submissions should be sent via email (as an attachment) to one of the guest editors.


All submitted articles will be refereed by two referees.


Expected Publication: November 2005.


Website of STSIP:


The Guest Editors addresses:


Institute of Biomathematics and Biometry, GSF - National Research Center for Environment and Health, Ingolstädter Landstraße 1 85764 Neuherberg, Germany


School of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0160, USA



 Call for Papers

2. "Nonuniform Sampling"


Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing (STSIP) is planning a special issue on "Nouniform Sampling." Farokh Marvasti, professor of the department of Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, is the guest editor for a special STSIP issue on his field of expertise.


Deadline for submission: Nov 30, 2005.


Submission: Papers can be submitted in TEX, LATEX, or as postscript or pdf-files. Instructions to authors and templates are available for download on the journal's homepage. Submissions should be sent via email (as an attachment) to the guest editor.


All submitted articles will be refereed.


Professor F. Marvastifs e-mail is


Website of STSIP:



Call for Papers
3. "Sampling Theory in Tomography"

Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing (STSIP) is planning  a special issue on "Sampling Theory in Tomography".

Topics include but are not limited to:  efficient sampling schemes in two and three dimensions; applications of sampling theory in error analysis and analysis of artifacts; and applications of non-uniform sampling in tomography.

Guest editors:

Adel Faridani, Oregon State University,
Eric Todd Quinto, Tufts University,
David  Walnut, George Mason University,


Deadline for submission: December 31, 2005.

Submission: Papers can be composed in TEX or LATEX and then submitted as postscript or pdf-files. Instructions to authors and templates are available for download on the journal's homepage.

Submissions should be sent via email (as an attachment) to one of the guest editors.

All submitted articles will be refereed by two referees.

Website of STSIP:




STSIP Now Available Online

As was suggested by the editorial board in Strobl, we now have the electronic version of the STSIP Journal on the website:

The establishment of this electronic version is due to the tireless efforts of the secretary of our journal, Professor Masaru Kamada of the Dept. of Computer and Information Sciences at Ibaraki University, Japan, and we owe him our sincere thanks. 


You can find all the information about the journal, and you can view the abstracts of the last four issues, plus a sample issue, Volume 2, Number 1.  Those who subscribe to the hard copy will have free access to the online version.  The price for a volume of the online version is half of that of the hard copy: US $99 for university libraries and other institutions, and US $50 for individuals.  Please note that you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. 


With this, I hope to see more subscriptions, and in case you have any difficulty reaching the distributor, please contact me.