




We are reminding of our new process of reviewing submitted papers: All papers will be send to our assistant executive editor, Professor Gerhard Schmeisser, who in turn will send the paper to an editor to process the review. The latter will send his report to one of the editors-in-chief, who will make the final decision of accepting or rejecting, and will then inform the executive editor to set the date for publication.


To help the citation for our journal, we encourage everyone to cite his STSIP paper(s). The abbreviation is Sampl. Theory Signal Image Process.


Also, let us welcome our new editors, Professors Xingwei Zhou (Department of Mathematics, Nankai University, People’s Republic of China), Amos Ron (Departments of Computer Science and Mathematics, The University of Winsconsin – Madison) and Joachim Stöckler (Department of Mathematics, University of Dortmund, Germany).


As you know we have not increased the subscription of the journal for the past four years. Starting with this volume 5, the institutional subscription is US $199.00 (plus postage) for the printed copy (the online version included) and US $99.00 for the online version. Price for the individual subscriptions remains the same.



Abdul J. Jerri

Founding Executive Editor