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Instructions For Typesetting Manuscripts
(For Sampling Theory In Signal And Image Processing)
Using LaTeX2e (in 11 pt Times Roman)


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Abstract is required and should summarize, in less than 200 words, the context, content and conclusions of the paper. It should not contain any references or displayed equations.  Text width of the abstract should be 4.5 inches, and typeset in 10 pt Times Roman. The abstract is followed by:


Key words and phrases :

2010 AMS Mathematics Subject Classification


1       General Appearance


The manuscript should be prepared in the style provided by our AMS LaTeX template file posted at


2       The Main Text


Contributions are to be in English.  Authors are encouraged to have their contribution checked for grammar.


3       Major Headings


Major heading should be typeset in boldface with the first letter of important words capitalized.

4       Footnotes


Footnotes should be numbered sequentially in superscript alphabets and should be typeset in 9 pt Times Roman at the bottom of the page.


5       Copyright


Previously published material must be accompanied by written permission from the author and publisher.


6       Acknowledgement


This section should come before the Appendices if any and should be unnumbered. The word acknowledgement is capitalized and centered.  Funding information may also be included here.


7       References


References should appear at the end of the paper and listed alphabetically.  In the text, they should be numbered and placed in brackets to distinguish them from other numbers, e.g., equation numbers.  References should be punctuated according to the following examples:


[1]   J.J. Benedetto and M.W. Frazier, editors, Wavelets: Mathematics and Applications, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1994.


[2]   C.E. Shannon, Communications in the presence of noise, Proc. IRE, 37, 10-221, 1949.


[3]   J.M. Whittaker, Interpolatory Function Theory, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1935.



8       Appendix


Appendices should be used only when absolutely necessary and be placed after the references.





Authors are granted to produce reprints of their own paper by themselves for their personal use only. The editorial office provides a printable PDF file for this purpose.


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