The 2007 January issue | Table of Contents |
This is a special issue for the Sampling Theory and its Applications (SampTa 05) Workshop that was held in Samsun, Turkey, July 10-15, 2005. As we are
preparing for our SampTa 07 in Thessaloniki, Greece this June, I would like to
remind of preparing your new results for submission to our journal for another
special issue.
It may not be too late to welcome our editor Professor Hidemitsu Ogawa for
assuming the assistant executive editor last spring. He will be receiving,
mainly, the engineering related and applied articles, while Professor Gerhard
Schmeisser receives the mathematically oriented articles.
I also take this chance to welcome to our editorial board, Professor Ole
Christensen of the department of mathematics, Technical University of Denmark.
Abdul J. Jerri |