Sampling Theory in Signal and Imaging Processing- An International Journal (ISSN: 1530-6429) electronically publishes refereed, well-written original research articles on the development and applications of sampling and interpolation theory, wavelets, tomography, the Gibbs phenomenon, and other closely related topics.  Applications in signal and image processing with Fourier analysis or wavelets are particularly welcome.  To be published in this journal, a paper must be correct, non-trivial, novel and of interest to a large number of our readers.  Occasionally, the journal will publish high quality survey and expository articles.

Instructions to Authors

Manuscript should be in English and submitted by e-mail to one of the assistant executive editors, who in turn will send the paper to an editor to process the review, and inform the author(s) of the paper. See the front the names of the members of the editorial board with both their mailing and E-mail address. Electronic submission (PDF or Postscript) is encouraged. See the front inner cover for the names of the members of the editorial board with both their mailing and E-mail address.

Submission: manuscripts submitted to the journal are accepted for consideration with the understanding that the same work has not been previously published nor has it been submitted for publication elsewhere.

Preparation of Manuscripts: manuscripts should be typed on one side of 8.5 X 11 inches (21.5 X 28 cm) white paper 1  1/2 - line spaced in camera-ready form using LaTeX [1].  The final version of the text is of size 5.25 by 8.00 inches and with a baseline skip of 13pt.  All texts should be in 11 point Times New Roman type.  Page 1 should contain the title, author's name(s), complete affiliations, e-mail addresses, and an abstract of less than 200 words in 10 pt. This preparation should suit the electronic version of the journal.  See also the template provided on the journal's website. 

Keywords and Subject Classification: A list of keywords and phrases and subject classification codes must be included on page one following the abstract.  The subject classification systems accepted by this journal are of the AMS subject classification scheme and the IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing EDICS numbers.  Authors may choose the system that suits them best.

Equations: Equations should be centered with their numbers placed in parenthesis at the right margin.  Numbering consecutively, or according to sections is acceptable.

Figures and Tables: Figures should be drafted in high resolution and high contrast on a separate piece of white paper or inserted in the text. They may be reduced in the printing process. Tables should be placed at the end of the manuscript.

References: See Instructions for Typesetting Manuscripts on the page following the last paper of the journal.

Acknowledgments: Any acknowledgements should be typed as text and placed before the references.  The word acknowledgement should be capitalized and centered at the top.

Final Version: If accepted, the final version of the manuscript must be typeset using LaTeX. If not in LaTeX, the paper will be delayed. Authors are asked to please adhere to the Instructions for Typesetting Manuscripts and to submit a hard copy and an electronic version of the manuscript by mail to speed the publication process.

Copyright: Unless otherwise noted, Sampling Publishing holds the copyright on all materials published in the journal, whether in print or electronic form. To copy or disseminate, either print or electronic, requires written permission.



The subscription for the online version of the jounal ( per volume (without printed issues) is US $120 for institutions and US $50 for individuals. For subscription and other inquiries see Ordering Information. For inquiries regarding the online version, please contact the Secretary of the journal(


Open Access

Published papers can be made Open Access on request by the authors. Open access fee is US$150 a paper, which can be paid by the authors, their institution or funding body.


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[1] See Instruction for Typesetting Manuscripts for the STSIP Journal placed near the end of the journal and found at .